Streaming WWDC 2016

I have never had the privilege of attending WWDC. Most years (including this one) I never bothered to apply to the lottery because I couldn’t afford to go. The one year I could afford to go, I didn’t win a ticket and I decided I would rather have the money as a buffer than go out to WWDC. This was the correct decision.

I attend a lot of conferences. I speak at a lot of conferences. Unfortunately, I have had some difficulty actually attending sessions at conferences. I have panic attacks when I am trapped in a room full of people and I can’t get up and walk around. This was one reason I was never super disappointed about going to WWDC the last few years. The idea of being stuck in a room for a whole week makes me feel like curling in a ball and crying. I go to conferences to network and drink with my friends. Now I am at the point where it’s just networking since I gave up drinking.

One thing I had forgotten about was discovering new things by attending sessions I hadn’t thought to go to. When I went to my first CocoaConf, I encountered a lot of interesting things because I wanted to watch Jonathan Penn and Josh Smith present.

When Swift was introduced two years ago, most of the conference sessions revolved around talking about Swift. I like Swift, it’s a neat language, but I am sick of talking about it. I am tired of hearing people talk about side effects and protocols and immutable state. I miss the first few years I was an iOS developer when people talked about frameworks and weird little nooks and crannies of the Cocoa architecture.

Taken together, this has created something of a perfect storm where I got burned out on iOS development. I got sick of talking to people about it because it always boiled down to Swift and arguing about code purity and a bunch of other bullshit.

I saw the Keynote this year and I had absolutely no enthusiasm for anything this year. I was irritated and cranky and didn’t want to deal with anything. But I noticed that this year Apple decided to stream most of the sessions live. The sessions were always available online later and last year they started showing select sessions. I watched the Swift ones because it was for my job and was still new and exciting. But I rarely watch the sessions afterward because when I watch the sessions, I sit there and pause every few minutes to try and process the vast amount of information that is being presented. There is a massive backlog of lots of sessions I think would be nice to watch but I never get around to watching. I did not think I would do anything this year.

I was wrong.

Streaming the sessions live has completely changed my life this week.

I work from home and so I just kind of threw the live stream on while I worked on stuff. I have it on in the background. I can’t pause the live stream, so I am not poring over every second of each video minutely. I am getting an overview of what they are talking about so I can go and research things later. I also have a team of people on various Slack channels who are watching it with me that I can chat with about the things we find new and exciting.

There were five whole sessions on Metal this year. The last two years I only got through the first Metal video because I felt like I didn’t understand it well enough to move on to the next video. This year, since they were just on, I could passively leave it on and get through all the videos. If this was a normal year, I would not have encountered the thing that has excited me the most this year, which is doing neural networks in Metal. That was introduced in “What’s New in Metal Part 2,” which was the fourth Metal video streamed. I did not need all the context from the first three videos to get excited about the new stuff in Metal.

I got to watch all the videos about GameplayKit, Photos, SpriteKit, etc… All of these technologies that I have been interested in but in a passive way were all just there for me to listen in on. I got introduced to so many things I didn’t know about in obscure frameworks that don’t get a lot of love because most people need to pay the bills and so they don’t do sessions on SceneKit.

This is what it was like at the beginning when I started going to conferences. I would discover so many new things that I would go home excited to get working on something. I haven’t felt this way for the last two years.

I worked for Brad Larson for a year. He told me that the reason he got into making Molecules and got into OpenGL and doing GPUImage was because he had a free period at WWDC and just decided, on a whim, to watch a session on OpenGL. It’s crazy to me about how things you do on a whim or by chance can completely change your life. By not being exposed to these sessions over the last few years, I have been cutting myself off from these chance encounters to find something truly special that I can learn and make my own.

It has been a great gift to get to participate with WWDC from home. Being able to get up and walk around during a session and cuddle with Delia while listening to people give their talks has helped me tremendously. I can talk to people on Slack from all over the world about the sessions as they happen so we can all be excited together. I know that people get something out of being there and getting to talk to the engineers, but for someone with mental health issues that prevent them from being able to be comfortable with massively large amounts of people, this has been a godsend.

I am planning in the future to go back and watch all the videos from previous years that I never watched because they took too long. I can have them on in the background while I work on other things. I can pick out the parts that interest me and look into them further.

For the first time in a really long time, I am excited about iOS development. Thank you Apple for giving that back to me.

Caesar Cipher

I have been trying to do more programming exercises recently. One thing that I think is incredibly important when you are an engineer is to have an understanding of the problem you are trying to solve. If you’re not solving a problem, you wind up with Clever Code, and that’s just bad for everyone.

I have a casual interest in cryptography. It’s one of those things that always fascinated me but I never realized I could actually learn and apply to things.

I couldn’t sleep last night and I looked around for a book to read. I found my copy of The Code Book by Simon Singh.

I found a bunch of really interesting cryptographic methods that looked like they would be interesting code projects.

I am going to go through and do some of these in order of complexity and age. The older the method, the simpler it is. This makes sense because new cryptographic algorithms are only created in response to the most recent one being cracked.

I will be adding all of my projects to a Github repository.

I’ll probably hit a wall at some point where I can’t continue to do this, but for now I have a few that I can do and I am looking forward to figuring out how to implement these.

Working Caesar Cipher

Working Caesar Cipher

What is a Caesar Cipher?

A Caesar Cipher is an encryption technique where each letter of the alphabet is shifted by a certain offset and all the letters are substituted.

For example, if your offset is 3, then every time you have an “a” in your text that you are encrypting, it would be replaced by a “d.” “b” would be replaced by “e” and so on. Once you get to the end of the alphabet, you start at the beginning. “z” would be replaced by “c”, “y” would be replaced by “b”, and so forth.

This cipher was used for several hundred years, but it was vulnerable to being easily broken. In fact, there is a daily cryptographic puzzle that no one ever looks at published in the paper next to the comics.

Even though this specific cipher is fairly easy to break, it provides the basis for some more complex ciphers being used, which is why I am starting out with this one. I can build off of this one to work on more complicated problems.

What are our Requirements?

In order to implement a solution for this problem, it’s helpful to think through what this application has to do.

  1. Take in a string
  2. Choose an offset
  3. Check each letter in the string
  4. Shift the letter by the offset
  5. Return an encrypted string

The first part is easy. We simply use the built-in UI elements in iOS to create a text field that can contain the input text and the encrypted string.

Since we’re dealing with an offset where one letter will be substituted for another, it mades sense to use arrays. There should be a constant array that simply contains the entire alphabet with each letter constituting an element.

The second array is a little more tricky. We need to shift the elements in the array by a variable offset. You use the offset to figure out what the first element in the new array is.

After you get both arrays, you find the index of each letter in the first array and replace it with the correlating letter in the second array.


I like to keep as much code as possible out of the view controller as possible, so I only have one line of code:

@IBAction func encryptText(sender: AnyObject) {
    encryptedText.text = encryptedString(inputText.text)

I have a helper function that takes the text input as a parameter and outputs the encrypted string and some other parts to the text output. Everything else is in a separate file of stand alone functions.

First thing I wanted to create was my immutable alphabet array:

let alphabet:[Character] = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"]

Next up, I need my offset. I could make that something the user inputs, but it was easier to just have it be a randomly generated number:

func randomNumber() -> Int {
    return Int(arc4random_uniform(25) + 1)

I want this to return a number between one and twenty-five. Since the array starts at zero and a zero offset means no encryption, it makes sense to have the lowest number be a one. Since the alphabet is always going to be 26 characters long, having a hard-coded value of twenty-five makes sense in this scenario.

I would like to unit test this method, but I don’t know how to do that. Since the output is random, I don’t really know how to generate a useful unit test. At this point I have to just have faith that this piece of code won’t return a number that is outside of the index of my array.

I don’t like leaving things to chance, so in my code to create my encryption array I deal with this possibility to avoid making my app crash:

func encryptArray(var offset:Int) -> [Character] {
    if offset < 1 {
        offset = 1
    if offset > 25 {
        offset = 25
    var array = alphabet
    let slice = array[0.. < offset]
    array.removeRange(0.. < offset)
    return array

The last few lines of code are copying the range at the beginning of the array, hacking it off of the front, the pasting it to the back.

I feel like there should be a more efficient way of doing this, but it works for now, so huzzah.

One of the things I really wanted to do was figure out a way to use map(). So far I have not found a good reason to use it. I have seen clever code from people that is longer than mine but more functional. I really wanted to find a situation where mapping a function made sense. Generating an array of characters that are offset by a certain fixed amount from another array of characters fits this to a tee.

Before I can use map(), I need to set up the function that is going to be mapped to the array:

func encryptCharacter(input:Character, encryptedArray:[Character]) -> Character {
    if alphabet.contains(input) {
        let index = alphabet.indexOf(input)
        return encryptedArray[index!]
    } else {
        return input

One case I had to handle was if the character was not a letter. We’re dealing with spaces, commas, periods, etc… I do a check to make sure that the array contains the character being passed in. If it doesn’t, then it is one of the other characters we are returning directly.

Now that we have our processing function, and all of our other functions, for that matter, it’s time to pull it all together:

func encryptedString(stringToEncrypt:String) -> String {
    let lowercaseStringToEncrypt = stringToEncrypt.lowercaseString
    let offset = randomNumber()
    let encryptionArray = encryptArray(offset)
    let array = [Character](lowercaseStringToEncrypt.characters)
    let encryptedArray ={encryptCharacter($0, encryptedArray: encryptionArray)})
    let encryptedString = String(encryptedArray)
    return "(encryptedString)
 The offset was (offset).
 (alphabet[0]) = (encryptionArray[0])"

This isn't working quite right...

This isn't working quite right...

The first time I ran this project, I realized that my analysis is case sensitive. I had letters that would fall through and be returned directly because the algorithm did not catch that they were letters. I resolved this by forcing all of the characters to be lowercase so that they would be processed. I think I could have made another array of upper case letters and add more complexity to the encryption process, but I didn’t feel like it. This was a simple fix.

Capital letters don't get no respect.

Capital letters don't get no respect.

I am creating variable to hold the results of all of my helper functions. Where necessary, I am passing in the results of some of these function to the functions that follow. We have a nice line of parts that all connect to one another in only one way.

In order to pass each character in, I need to create an array of characters from the string input in the view controller. There is a nice handy function that makes this process somewhat easy.

I was able to effectively use my nice map() function to process each character in the array of characters.

After going through and encrypting each character in the array, we can bring it back together again in a String.

Lastly, I wanted to include some information about the encrypted string beyond just the string. I wanted to include the offset and show what the first element in the encrypted array was.


I am not certain how to write unit tests for two of my stand alone function. They have randomly generated outputs. I think there must be a way to prove these work, even if it isn’t with unit tests. If anyone has suggestions about how to proceed with this I would appreciate it.

Overall, this was a nice little project to work on before heading off to RWDevCon. I have a larger independent project I would like to work on that I didn’t want to start when I would be gone for a week.

I find encoding and data processing to be fascinating. I would like to work on more stuff like this, even if it is just for my blog. I am hoping to have a more complicated encryption project on here soon.

Exercises for Programmers: Exercise 4- Mad Libs

The fourth exercise in Exercises for Programmers is to create a Mad Lib.

Mad Libs are a game you play when you’re a kid and you’re trying to learn different parts of speech. You name random nouns and verbs to fill in the blanks in a story you can’t see until you are finished.

This project continues with the theme of making the exercises more and more complex as you go along.

This project requires you to ask for four different user inputs and to create a story around them. If any of those inputs is missing, you want to alert the user rather than output a story with half the words missing.

As usual, I have uploaded this project to GitHub.

What this looks like when successful

What this looks like when successful

Data Structures

Since I want to unit test my application, I want to move as much of the programming logic outside of the view controller as possible. I need to grab the four user input responses and I want to pass those into another function.

I thought about making this into an array of strings, but I liked the idea of being able to have keys and values for the user input. I want to be able to tell the user which field they forgot to fill and that is a lot easier when you bundle the name of the field along with the input instead of just counting on things being in the right order. Having an array of random words with no indication about what they represent seemed like a recipe for disaster.

In the @IBAction for the Enter button, I created a dictionary of all of the user input values:

let userInput:[String:String] = [

Now that I had a data structure and I knew what types were going into it, I could start working on the output logic.

Set up

Set up

To Map(), or not to Map()

One reason I wanted these values to exist in a data structure was because I wanted to use Map().

This seemed like a good time to use Map(). I had to iterate through a data structure, check to see if the input was empty, and if it was I had to do something.

Taking this approach really tripped me up and cost me a lot of time.

When I worked with Brad at SonoPlot, he used protocols and flatmaps to iterate through a collection of data we were writing to and getting from the NSUserDefaults. I thought I would set up a function that returns an optional string that would check each string to see if there was anything in it. If there wasn’t, I could return a nil and filter them out.

func isStringEmpty(input:String) -> String? {
    if input.characters.count != 0 {
        return input
    } else {
        return nil

I started to realize this wasn’t really helpful to me. Here is why:

Let’s say my user forgets to specify a verb. I can flatmap my dictionary using this function that will give me an array with three values. I won’t know which value is missing. I can’t tell the user which value they forgot to enter.

I spent a bunch of time trying to figure out how to map my isStringEmpty() function to my dictionary. In order to try and figure out how to optimize this, I wrote it in the most inefficient manner I possibly could so I could see what code I was repeating:

func output(input:[String:String]) -> String {
    var outputString = String()
    let noun = isStringEmpty(input["noun"]!)
    let verb = isStringEmpty(input["verb"]!)
    let adjective = isStringEmpty(input["adjective"]!)
    let adverb = isStringEmpty(input["adverb"]!)
    if noun == nil {
        outputString += "Please enter a noun! 
    if verb == nil {
        outputString += "Please enter a verb! 
    if adjective == nil {
        outputString += "Please enter an adjective! 
    if adverb == nil {
        outputString += "Please enter an adverb! 
    if noun != nil &&
       verb != nil &&
       adjective != nil &&
       adverb != nil
        outputString = "Do you (verb) your (adjective) (noun) (adverb)?"
    return outputString

Clearly I am repeating my calls to isStringEmpty() for every input in my UI. This is really inefficient.

I am also constantly checking if something is nil. Since the variable I am checking has the same name as the type of word that I need to tell the user to enter, this could probably be more generic.

I optimized this from that monstrosity to the following:

func output(input:[String:String]) -> String {
    var outputString = String()
    for (key, value) in input {
        let checkValue = isStringEmpty(value)
        if checkValue.characters.count == nil {
            outputString += "Please enter a (key)! 
    if outputString.characters.count == 0 {
        let noun = input["noun"]!
        let verb = input["verb"]!
        let adjective = input["adjective"]!
        let adverb = input["adverb"]!
        outputString = "Do you (verb) your (adjective) (noun) (adverb)?"
    return outputString

I tried for a bit to use a map() function rather than the for-in loop, but it felt just easier to do it this way. I would still like to get more comfortable using map(), but I also don’t want to create an “If you give a mouse a cookie” problem where I am adding a bunch of garbage to my code to try and force a square peg into a round hole.

If anyone can give me a good explanation about how I could have used map() more efficiently than using for-in I would greatly appreciate it. I have seen it used in other people’s code but I don’t process how I can implement it myself because I have not tried to solve a problem with it yet.

Lastly, I realized that my efforts to cram the flatmap() into the code was causing me to use the isStringEmpty() function even though there really was no point in doing so.

I condensed down all of my programming logic into one function:

func output(input:[String:String]) -> String {
    var outputString = String()
    for (key, value) in input {
        if value.characters.count == 0 {
            outputString += "Please enter a (key)! 
    if outputString.characters.count == 0 {
        let noun = input["noun"]!
        let verb = input["verb"]!
        let adjective = input["adjective"]!
        let adverb = input["adverb"]!
        outputString = "Do you (verb) your (adjective) (noun) (adverb)?"
    return outputString
Completely empty response

Completely empty response

Limit to User Input Optimization

One thing that bothered me about this project was the fact that I couldn’t procedurally deal with every instance of pulling out the nouns, verbs, etc…

No matter what I do I have to spend four lines of code pulling out the user input and then another four lines doing something with them.

Those lines of code cause me to be bothered because I don’t like hard coding things. I was happy I could do the for-in loop because there could be forty elements or two and either way it was flexible. Having things hard coded isn’t flexible.

However, I do not think there is a way around this in this project. I believe that any time you are doing anything that touches the user interface, there is a limit to how far you can optimize it.

When I was going to write the unit tests, I had the urge to see what would happen if I sent a value that wasn’t noun or verb or if one of those was missing. I know that in this project that is impossible, but it still really bothers me because of how inefficient it feels. It had code smell. I think there is nothing I can do about it, but that won’t keep me from driving myself crazy trying to think of a way around it.

Partially empty response

Partially empty response


Initially, I thought this project would have a lot more programming logic than any other project before this, but it actually had the least amount.

I left my less efficient code in the project to show how much I was able to refactor the project.

I think a major takeaway that I want to bring up is the idea of rewriting your code a lot.

One issue I have had with working with other people on programming projects is that sometimes, as I did here, it’s easier for me to write some really crappy, inefficient code that just works so that I can get a better handle on how to make it better. When I am working on something and someone randomly demands to see what I have so far, it is incredibly upsetting to have to show that I did this really terrible code. There are probably ways around this, but it can be super demoralizing to show the early part of my process to someone when it is something I am still actively working on and trying to make better.

If you are a decent programmer, you will rewrite your code a few times. You will get a better idea about what problems you are trying to solve and how your current approach isn’t what you thought it would be. My final code is about a third of what it was initially because the way I thought I needed to do this was different than the way I actually needed to do it. I could have kept adding more and more junk to the code to try and force it to work, or I could change my perspective on how to approach the problem.

I firmly believe in writing bad code to get the garbage out of your head. Not every line of code needs to be a line from Shakespeare. Writing a lot of bad code helps you figure out how to write better code more quickly.

Exercises For Programmers: Exercise Two – Counting Characters

This is the second exercise in Brian Hogan’s book Exercises for Programmers. My solution for this exercise is on GitHub.

Since this is still relatively early in the book, we are still dealing with some simple concepts. This exercise is about asking for a string, repeating it back to the user, and telling the user how many characters are in the string.


This was supposed to be the first exercise where you set up a user interface, but I jumped the gun on that by setting one up with the first exercise.

The only changes between the first exercise and the second were that there was going to be another label to output the number of characters and that I needed to count the characters in the string.

I was able to complete this far more quickly than the first exercise because most of the road blocks I encountered with the first exercise were solved for the second. I already knew how to set up my auto layout. I remembered how to get the text from the UITextField. I already had most of my set up for the processing I needed to do for the labels.

Failure condition. Need to set both labels, including making sure the second label is an empty string.

Failure condition. Need to set both labels, including making sure the second label is an empty string.

I started out thinking that because I had two labels I needed to create two separate functions. I initially made a variable out of the text field input and passed that into my two functions. Then I thought more critically about it.

I was passing the same information into both functions and doing the same “if-else if-else” statement:

func yourInputString(input:String) -> String {
    if input.characters.count == 0 {
        return "You need to enter a string!"
    } else if Int(input) != nil {
        return "Please enter letters and not numbers!"
    } else {
        return "Your input string: (input)"

func numberOfCharactersInString(input:String) -> String {
    if input.characters.count == 0 {
        return ""
    } else if Int(input) != nil {
        return ""
    } else {
        return "(input.uppercaseString) has (input.characters.count) characters."

That is a lot of repeated code. There is probably a better way to consolidate this.

One of the things Brad and I talked about with Swift having an advantage over Objective-C is that it can return more than one thing. One reason that the NSError stuff is so screwy is because you can’t return more than one thing. You have to pass a pointer to the location in memory for the error because you can’t simply return the error.

I realized that I could cut down on a lot of code by simply returning a tuple that contained both label strings. This cut down on code in both my helper functions and in my main View Controller because I only had to call one function and then assign the result from that function to the labels in the UI.

func inputStringAndCharacterCount(input:String) -> (String, String) {
    let yourInputString:String
    let numberOfCharactersString:String
    if input.characters.count == 0 {
        yourInputString = "You need to enter a string!"
        numberOfCharactersString = ""
    } else if Int(input) != nil {
        yourInputString = "Please enter letters and not numbers!"
        numberOfCharactersString = ""
    } else {
        yourInputString = "Your input string: (input)"
        numberOfCharactersString = "(input.uppercaseString) has (input.characters.count) characters."
    return (yourInputString, numberOfCharactersString)

I am finding this iterative approach of starting with something simple then adding complexity is a really good way to approach programming. You take lessons you learned doing something simple and you apply them as you do more and more complicated things.

Writing unit tests also forces you to think in ways to make it as easy as possible for yourself to be able to separate out as much functionality as possible in a way for it to be testable.

When Brad was telling me initially about using tuples I didn’t get how he came up with the solution. It was obvious once I saw it, but I didn’t get how he came up with it. I get it now. When I was writing my code and saw that I was repeating myself a lot, it forced me to think more critically about how I could make my code better.

I am happy I am doing these exercises because I don’t feel I get to code as much as I should. I am now seeing that coding things for myself helps me to learn things better than just being told what to do by someone who learned the way I am learning now.

We can read all the books we want to on clean code and so forth, but you really learn by doing and making mistakes and going back to refactor. I think a lot of people never go back and refactor and that is unfortunate for them. They are missing out on a great learning opportunity.

Exercises For Programmers: Exercise One-Saying Hello

A couple of months ago I bought Exercises for Programmers by my friend Brian Hogan. I was trying to find some mini challenges for myself like I had when I was a student when I would just work on a small, solvable problem.

When I think about programing, I usually get really overwhelmed by thinking about all of the components I need to make a minimum viable product. I start thinking about having to learn everything I have to do in order to put together a whole application. I wind up not doing anything because I feel like I have to learn twenty things before I can start coding rather than just diving in.

I have worked on other people’s projects and been given some rather explicit functionality that I have to have that is divorced from thinking about how to construct an actual program.

When I initially looked through this, I was disappointed because I felt like this was more targeted at people learning programming. There were tip calculators and Hello, World. So I got all sulky and emo teenager and decided this was not for me.

I was wrong.

I am planning to go through each exercise in this book and treat each exercise as a complete project. I am going to write unit tests for all of my code, make sure that the auto layout works, and try to think about what constraints I need rather than just trying to get something that works under specific circumstances.

User Interface and Autolayout

The first exercise in the book is a play on the usual “Hello world!” application. In this, you take user input and you output it to the screen.

To get user input from a user in iOS, you need to set up a bunch of UI elements: a label asking for your name, a text field for your name, a button to enter your name, and another label to display the message.


This is a slightly embarrassing thing for me to admit, but I do not work much with user interface stuff. For the last two years I have worked exclusively on things like unit tests and network programming. The last time I worked a lot with user interfaces was around the time Storyboards were introduced. I have not mastered the Zen of Auto Layout.

Initially, I thought I had all of my elements laid out properly, but they didn’t show up where I wanted them to. I realized I had to go in and figure out a bunch of constraints to see what I wanted to on my screen.


The top and bottom labels were easier because I knew I wanted them to be centered. The button and the text field were harder because I wanted them next to one another and I couldn’t center them the same way I did the labels.


I thought about giving up and just putting them on their own lines, but that kind of defeats the purpose of doing these exercises. I vaguely remembered that I can line things up by the leading or trailing edge. I liked the text field up with the leading edge of the top label and the button to the trailing edge of the top label. The text field rendered out to be about two characters wide, so I added one more constraint to maintain the spacing between the text field and the button.


Programming Logic

Now that I have the layout working properly, I needed to think about what my failure cases are. Back when I was a student, I would just pull out whatever was entered in the text field and print it out on the screen. Since I want to write unit tests for this, I needed to put more thought into what would be a “bad” input.

The two that I could think about were either not entering anything at all, or entering in a number.

Since the text field is an optional, I needed to wrap it in an if-let. I thought about using a guard statement, but I didn’t feel like it would work in this case because I didn’t just want the result to be nil if you didn’t enter anything. I wanted to actually do something if it was nil, so I stuck with the if-let.

I thought that if there was nothing in the text field when you clicked on the button that it would be nil, so I had an else statement to state that if you just clicked on the button. That did not work because the text field returns an empty string. So that became a case I needed to check.

The last one was trying to figure out how check if the string contains a number. The ability to check a string for a number has changed a bit over the last two years in Swift. There used to be a toInt() function on the String class, but that was replaced with an initializer on the Int class. You pass a string into the Int initializer and if it can be converted to an int then you will have a value, otherwise, you get a nil.

Testing and Decoupling

I did my own testing on my application and I was able to trigger all three possible string outputs. But I want to get in the habit of writing unit tests for all of my personal applications. When I worked for Brad Larson, the main component of my job was to write unit tests for our code.

One way we were able to do that is because we made things very functional. We had very few classes. We had a lot of stand alone functions that could be tested thoroughly on their own. We created fake hardware objects in code.

That was harder to do with the view controller. I could make a function within the view controller to process the input from the text field, but I couldn’t do things as functionally as I wanted to.

Then I realized I could break my function up. Initially, I had this:

@IBAction func enterName(sender: AnyObject) {
    if let name = nameField.text {

        let myInt: Int? = Int(name)

        if name.characters.count == 0 {
            helloLabel.text = "You need to enter your name"
        } else if myInt != nil {
            helloLabel.text = "You entered numbers, not a name"
        } else {
            helloLabel.text = "Hello (name), how are you?"

This coupled the code in such a way that it was impossible to pull that code out and make it testable. Everything in this function was talking to parts of the class, so I couldn’t pull it out and make it stand alone.

So I rethought was I was trying to do. This function needed to do one thing: Set the helloLabel. I was making it do two things. I was also making it determine what the helloLabel was set to.

I realized I could make the output from the text field into a parameter that could be passed into a stand alone function.

I changed that function from what I had to this:

@IBAction func enterName(sender: AnyObject) {
        if let name = nameField.text {
            let nameString:String = nameFunction(name)
            helloLabel.text = nameString

func nameFunction(name:String) -> String {
    let myInt: Int? = Int(name)
    if name.characters.count == 0 {
        return "You need to enter your name"
    } else if myInt != nil {
        return "You entered numbers, not a name"
    } else {
        return "Hello (name), how are you?"

I pulled the nameFunction out of the View Controller and I put it in a Helper Function file. This function is the only part of this program that I need to unit test and I pulled it out from everything else. This makes testing my programming logic a snap.

    func testLabelOutput() {
        let emptyString = ""
        let numberString = "42"
        let normalString = "Delia"
        let firstTest = nameFunction(emptyString)
        let secondTest = nameFunction(numberString)
        let thirdTest = nameFunction(normalString)
        XCTAssertEqual(firstTest, "You need to enter your name")
        XCTAssertEqual(secondTest, "You entered numbers, not a name")
        XCTAssertEqual(thirdTest, "Hello (normalString), how are you?")


I am a little embarrassed that this took me longer than I thought it would. I have my name on a few programming books and I “know” this stuff. The Apple ecosystem is an incredibly vast and complex system of knowledge. If you don’t work with something for a while, it takes a while to remember how to do things and shake the cobwebs off.

There are a lot of considerations I put into this exercise that I would not have bothered with when I was a student. I would have been like, why bother making this testable? It works. No one is going to be stupid enough to post numbers and if they do, who cares?

That isn’t a good way to think.

It doesn’t matter what kind of application you are doing. You should try to make everything you code the best that it can be.

This was a good exercise for me to think about this differently than I would have, especially knowing I was going to write unit tests. I rewrote that function a few times and almost thought I couldn’t decouple it until I thought about it for like an hour.

I could have had this working in ten minutes, but the UI would have been screwed up and it would not have been safe.

I am still not happy with the final version of my code, but I feel better about it than I did before. I hope that someone will code review this and tell me how I could have done it better.

All in all, this was a really interesting thought experiment. There are lots of dark corner in my brain of things that I don’t know I don’t know. Shining some light into those corners and airing them out is a good thing to do every once and a while.

I am making a GitHub repository for my exercise if people have any interest in looking them over and comparing notes.

Catch you next time!

Also, if anyone can give me some suggestions about how to get code to format reliably in WordPress I would appreciate it. Sometimes it works and sometimes all of my formatting is gone.

Are you a Developer or an Engineer?

Last month my boss, Daniel Pasco, posted this thought on Twitter:


Developers focus on making great code.
Engineers focus on making great things.

This really struck a chord with me. I have observed a few behaviors that I didn’t really have any context to express and I feel like this quote sums up a lot of things that trouble me about the programming community.

Hipster Coding

“Nobody goes there anymore. It’s too crowded.”
– Yogi Berra

I went back to school in earnest to learn programming in 2012. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do, but I knew I wanted to find whatever would work best for me in the long run. I initially went for Java because I knew there was a lot of demand for it, but I didn’t realize there was also a lot of supply and it was difficult to find an entry level Java job because most of them demanded 3-5 years of experience. I couldn’t break through the layers of bureaucracy and I just stopped trying.

I initially got involved with the Ruby community. I knew a lot of people who were active there and it seemed like it was the new up and coming thing.

I would talk to people about how to get into Ruby and I would be asked what open source projects I worked on. I didn’t really understand open source and would ask for help about how to get into open source. Their looks would immediately change to a combination of disdain and pity and they would stop talking to me because I wasn’t a contributor.

I struggled with this a bit trying to break into Ruby, only to discover that all the people who had been doing Ruby had moved on to Clojure. Then they moved on to Haskell. I think they were interested in Swift for a bit, but I have lost track of whatever the new hot language is. Might be Go…

I think a lot of people feel like they missed out on the Gold Rush of the iPhone. I know that I do. By the time I started taking iOS programming classes in 2012, the whole point of having an app out on the store was to use it as a resume builder to find an actual job. We were being prepared for the world as it exists now/over the next few years where there is less contracting and more enterprise development.

I feel a sense of chasing after something that doesn’t exist anymore. We still have the dream of writing a killer app and making mad bank, but that is growing more and more difficult. I feel like any time Apple releases a new piece of hardware, like the Apple Watch or the Apple TV, people feel like they need to immediately mark their territory on it because they think that if they get there first, they can strike gold and move on before everyone else gets there.

This has created a situation where we have platforms that seem to be abandoned by developers because there is something newer and shinier that has come out and everyone wants to be the first one there.

I Have a Screwdriver and Everything is a Screw

My introduction to programming was back in 2008. I was kind of loafing around unemployed because I had no idea what I was doing with my life. My dad would take me to work and I would go and hang out with the weird IT guy. My nickname for this guy was Jesus because he looked like Jesus if Jesus wore a shirt and tie.

He was really into programming and told me that learning programming was a valuable skill. He set me up with a book and a laptop in the corner. He showed me where the Terminal was and taught me how to write code in TextEdit and compile it on the command line.

All of this was done in Perl.

The book he gave me was the Llama O’Reilly book from I think 1998. He told me that the language was stable and didn’t change, so it was okay that the book was old.

I started telling people that I was learning Perl and I got horrified looks from people telling me no one uses it anymore. I was told to learn PHP because that was the future.

I talked to Jesus about that, and he told me not to bother learning PHP because everything that I want to do I can do in Perl. Perl does everything.

Replace “Perl” with “JavaScript” and that is exactly what we have now for a fairly large portion of the programming community.

I am not going to get into an argument about whether JavaScript is “real” code or not. That isn’t the point I am trying to make. JavaScript is a tool. It has its uses. If I want to write a website, I can’t do that in Swift with the Cocoa frameworks.

What worries me is that I see a lot of people treating JavaScript the way my friend Jesus treated Perl. It’s the thing they know, so they want to make it work for every single possible thing that exists.

There was a great blog post I read recently saying that the state of web development is static right now. Large companies like Yahoo are basically rewriting their websites over and over again in whatever the new hot JavaScript framework is.

I think I read recently that someone created a framework on top of JQuery, which is it’s a framework on top of JavaScript. I think someone tried to create a JavaScript framework to do server back end work. It’s a web language! It was designed to do one thing and one thing well. It’s being convoluted into weird, abstract shapes because people don’t want to learn new things.

Fleeting Fame


“ObjC culture carriers were people who’d been building products for years using it. Swift culture carriers see a chance for fleeting fame.”
– Graham Lee

When Swift first came out, there were a lot of prominent members of the programming community that were incredibly anti-Swift. They had invested 15 years in Objective-C and saw no reason to pick up this goofy new language and get knocked back the the beginning of the board with everyone else.

A lot of us scoffed at these people and told them to get with the program because Swift wasn’t going anywhere.

It’s nearly two years later, and we’re now seeing that a lot of these people have come to terms with the fact that this language isn’t going anywhere.

This doesn’t mean that they are sitting back and figuring out the language. On the contrary. Many of them are just as loud and opinionated about it as they ever were, but now they’re actually trying to use it.

I have noticed a shift in the last six months or so where the people talking about Swift aren’t the early adopters who were coming from Haskell backgrounds who wanted to share their functional programming knowledge. Instead, we’re getting people who feel like they need to have an opinion about Swift to feel important.

Lots of people want to post tirades about how Swift should be done. They don’t want to listen to people who have been working with it for the last few years. That defeats the purpose. They want to be the one who can go and write a convoluted piece of code to break the compiler and have everyone tell them how clever they are.

A lot of the sense of community that I felt back when we had Objective-C has evaporated. Back then, new people could enter the community and have seasoned professionals give them a hand with understanding things. Now, everyone feels like they have to establish themselves as an expert and no one is willing to ask actual questions that would make them better Swift programmers. Their shouting is drowning out everyone else’s thoughts and opinions and making it even more difficult for beginners to actually learn Swift.

How We Should Be Doing Things

I worked for Brad Larson for a year. We spent that year porting a legacy code base from Objective-C to Swift. There were two important reasons for doing this:

  1. The code base was fragile and at a point where we could not go in and add or change anything without breaking it.
  2. There were problems that we had encountered over the years that would not have happened if we wrote the code base in Swift.

There was a point when I was working with Brad where he showed me this crazy code that was full of functional programming stuff. I felt very depressed because I didn’t think I could ever come up with something that interesting or complex. It bothered me, so I kept talking to him about it.

After doing this for a while I figured out the right question: What problem is this code solving?

When he started to tell me about how unsafe our previous code was because of the constraints of Objective-C. He had spent years trying to figure out a better solution for his problem and he understood what needed to be done intimately.

Brad is an engineer. He didn’t set out to use all the new toys in Swift because he was looking for an excuse to use them. He had problems he needed to solve and wanted to find the most elegant way of solving them. That solution just happened to include a lot of functional programming concepts. I think he actually rewrote the code a few times because he realized there was a better way to solve the problem.

Code exists as a tool to solve problems. It isn’t an end in and of itself. You can write the most insane Rube Goldergian piece of code imaginable that will work, but why bother?

Writing an app or an open source framework or anything is a little like adopting a puppy. It’s a long term commitment. I don’t think that the people who released the first apps for the iPhone realized they might be on the hook for supporting them for close to a decade. No one anticipated that.

Now that we have a better understanding of that, it’s important to spend time thinking about what your app will solve and how to maintain it long term when it stops being cute and starts peeing on your floor.

One of my goals this year is to release an app. I have done other projects like books and talks, and as such you can take what I say with as many grains of salt as you want. I have been hesitant to produce anything because I worry about the long term maintenance of what I am doing. I know I should just put something out there and learn from my mistakes. We’ll see.

I want to find one, solid piece of functionality that I want to see out in the world. I want to start with whatever the smallest bit of that is and work out from there. I want to keep the scope small and make sure that each piece works and can be built off of to add functionality.

I know that I want to be an engineer. I want to solve problems. I don’t care if no one buys my app or if it is just a tree that falls in the woods where no one can hear it. I just want to know that designed and implemented something well. The problem I need to solve right now is getting over my fear of fucking up and to just do something.

Getting Metal Up and Running: Metal Template

Note: The code from this tutorial is based on this tutorial from Ray Wenderlich. This was written in 2014 and was not updated for Swift 2.0, so there are a few changes I have made to my template to make it up to date. I am also writing my own explanations about what each part of this process does. If you just want something that works, you can download to template. If you want something easier to skim, I suggest looking through the Ray Wenderlich tutorial.

Metal was announced at WWDC 2014. It was the most exciting announcement of WWDC for approximately five minutes until Swift was announced.

I was doing a high level Swift talk in 2014 when I didn’t know the framework very well yet and I just wanted to give people an idea about why Metal was important. People were understandably unhappy that I didn’t show them how to code Metal. I am rectifying that mistake.

As was the case when Metal was first announced, you can’t test Metal code in the simulator. You have to build on a device with an A7 chip or later. The most primitive iOS device you can use for this is the iPhone 5S.

The goal of this project is to create a template that can be used as a base to just get Metal up and running. This doesn’t do anything other than render a color to the screen. I will take this template and add vertex buffers and geometry in a later post to explain how that process works. I didn’t include those in this project because I didn’t want to include anything that would need to be deleted by the programmer before it could be used.

Let’s get started!

Create Project and Import Frameworks

If you want to walk through the process of building the template rather than just downloading it from GitHub, you can follow along with the directions.

Open Xcode and create a Single View Application. You can name it anything you want. If you are using this as a basis for a project, go ahead and name it whatever it will eventually be. Choose Swift as the language. I made mine Universal, but if you know it will only be on an iPhone, go ahead and just choose iPhone.

There are a few frameworks that you will need to import before you can get Metal up and running.

Add these import statements at the top of your ViewController:

import Metal
import QuartzCore

Metal is obvious. You need to import the framework to do anything with Metal. The QuartzCore is a little less obvious. We’ll get to that soon.

Most of the work we are doing will be in the ViewController class. Unless otherwise specified (as in the Shader code), add all code to the ViewController.


First thing you need to set up for a Metal project is the MTLDevice. The MTLDevice is the software representation of the GPU. I go over the properties of MTLDevice in a previous blog post. We don’t need access to everything that MTLDevice does for this simple template.

At the top of the ViewController class, add the following property:

// Properties
var device: MTLDevice! = nil

You will be seeing and using the device property a lot in this project. The MTLDevice is the manager of everything going on with your Metal code. You will be instantiating this (and all other properties) in the viewDidLoad() method.

There is only one safe way to initialize your device property:

device = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice()

At this point in time, every Metal-capable device only has one GPU. This function returns a reference to that GPU.


Note: You might see an error at some point in this code block that says CAMetalLayer not found. This drove me crazy for a really long time. I downloaded Apple’s template that utilized MetalKit that does not have an instance of CAMetalLayer because it is implemented behind the scenes. I thought it was something that was phased out.

This is an ambiguous compiler error. At some point Xcode switched from saying the build device was a physical device to the simulator. Rather than saying the code won’t build on the simulator, it says the CAMetalLayer was not found.

If you ever get weird, ambiguous compiler errors while coding Metal that say something doesn’t exist, check the build target!

Remember back at the beginning of the blog post where I told you to import QuartzCore? You are importing that for one purpose: To get access to CAMetalLayer.

In iOS, everything you see on your screen is backed by a CALayer. Every view, every button, every cell is backed by a CALayer. CALayer is like the canvas you use to render things to the screen. If you want to know more about CALayer there are a few good tutorials on it here and here.

Since Metal is a different beast than a normal UIView, you need to create a special kind of CALayer: CAMetalLayer. This layer doesn’t live in the Metal framework, it lives in the QuartzCore framework, along with the special layer for rendering different flavors of OpenGL ES.

Create an CAMetalLayer property under your MTLDevice property:

var metalLayer: CAMetalLayer! = nil

Initializing the CAMetalLayer is a little more complicated than initializing the MTLDevice. There are four setable properties on the CAMetalLayer:

  • Device
  • Pixel Format
  • Framebuffer Only
  • Drawable Size

Device is self explanatory. It is simply the MTLDevice we created in our last step.

Pixel format is your chosen MTLPixelFormat. There are over a hundred items in the MTLPixelFormat struct, but there are only three options available on the CAMetalLayer: MTLPixelFormatBGRA8Unorm, MTLPixelFormatBGRA8Unorm_sRGB, and MTLPixelFormatRGBA16Float. The default pixel format is MTLPixelFormatBGRA8Unorm, so I am just going to leave it there unless I have some reason to change it.

Framebuffer only is an optimization option. There are two kinds of MTLResource types in Metal: MTLTexture and MTLBuffer. MTLTexture objects are less efficient because they need to be able to sample textures and do pixel read/write operations. If you don’t need those things you can make your code more efficient by telling the compiler this is something it never has to worry about.

Drawable size specifies how large your texture is. Since we are not currently using a texture, we don’t need to set this.

Add the following code to your viewDidLoad() method:

// Set the CAMetalLayer
metalLayer = CAMetalLayer()
metalLayer.device = device
metalLayer.pixelFormat = .BGRA8Unorm
metalLayer.framebufferOnly = true
metalLayer.frame = view.layer.frame

You’re initializing the metalLayer, then setting the properties on it that are relevant to this project. We’re leaving the pixel format to the default and since we don’t have any textures, we’re setting the optimization to true.

As with all layers, we’re setting the frame and adding it as a sublayer. Huzzah!

Command Queue

We will need an object that will organize the commands that we need to execute. In Metal, that object is the MTLCommandQueue. The MTLCommandQueue is our Space Weaver that keeps all of our command threads straight and running properly.

Add this property to the top of your View Controller class:

var commandQueue: MTLCommandQueue! = nil

This creates a command queue that is available to all of our methods within our View Controller. It will be used in a couple of different places and we want it to remain consistent and not go out of scope.

Up next, we need to set the command queue. Add this line of code into your viewDidLoad() function at the bottom:

// Set the Command Queue
commandQueue = device.newCommandQueue()

We’re almost done implementing all the code we need in our viewDidLoad() method. We just need to set up the functionality to actually draw to the screen. For that, we need a display link.


We now have our CAMetal sublayer in place and we can draw to the screen. But how do we know when to trigger the screen to redraw?

It needs to redraw any time the screen refreshes. Since this is a common task in iOS, there is a built in class available to do this: CADisplayLink.

CADisplayLink exists to synch your drawing to the refresh rate of the display.

Add a new property to your ViewController class:

var timer: CADisplayLink! = nil

In order to set up your display link, you need to tell it what the target is and what code needs to be run every time the link is triggered. Since we are creating this for the view controller, the target is self. We just need the program to render, so I called this selector renderloop:

// Set the Timer
timer = CADisplayLink(target: self, selector: Selector("renderloop"))
timer.addToRunLoop(NSRunLoop.mainRunLoop(), forMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode)

After you initialize the display link, you need to register it with a run loop. We are just registering it with the main run loop on the default mode to get access to coordinate the redrawing of the screen.

You have specified renderloop as your selector, but it hasn’t been created yet. Go ahead and do that now at the bottom of the class:

func render() {
  // TODO
func renderloop() {
  autoreleasepool {

So, we didn’t just create the renderloop method, we created another one as well. The renderloop method just calls a render method encapsulated within an autoreleasepool. We’ll be setting up that render method next.

Render Pipeline

Rendering is the process where the program takes all of the information it has about the scene and compiles it together to determine the color of each pixel on the screen.

This is a rich and immersive topic that I would like to explore more fully in time, but for now I am trying to make sure I include the most basic information necessary to understand the code needed to do the minimum here.

If you would like a better explanation of what rendering is and how it works, there is a great explanation of it and the math involved in Pixar in a Box on Khan Academy.

Now that we have our display link in place, we would like to be able set up the code necessary to take a bunch of numbers and small shader programs and turn them into something cool we see on the screen.

To do that, we need to set up a rendering pipeline. A rendering pipeline takes all the inputs you have (vertices, shaders, optimizations, etc…) and coordinates them to make sure that each vertex and fragment is produced properly on the screen.

This will require us to put a number of pieces in place. I will go over each one and explain its role in the process.

Render Pass Descriptor

We are going to go into that empty render method and start to fill it out. The first thing we are going to create in that method is the render pass descriptor. The render pass descriptor is a collection of color, depth, and stencil information for your renderer. In this simple template we are not concerned with the depth or the stencil properties, so we are focusing on the color properties.

Begin filling out your render() method with the following code:

func render() {
    let renderPassDescriptor = MTLRenderPassDescriptor()
    let drawable = metalLayer.nextDrawable()
    renderPassDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].texture = drawable!.texture
    renderPassDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].loadAction = .Clear
    renderPassDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].clearColor = MTLClearColor(red: 1.0, green: 0.0, blue: 1.0, alpha: 1.0)

First off, you’re creating a MTLRenderPassDescriptor(). You will need to set up the attachments for the render pass descriptor a little later. First you need to set up a property that you will need to hook up to the render pass descriptor.

The render pass descriptor needs a source for it to render. That source is maintained by the instance of the CAMetalLayer. The CAMetalLayer has a method on it called nextDrawable(). Internally, CAMetalLayer maintains a cache of textures for displaying content. This method grabs the next one in the queue available for use.

Our render pass descriptor needs to know a few things about its color attachments: texture, load action, and clear color. Our texture is whichever texture is up next in the CAMetalLayer’s pool of drawable textures.

We have three options for our load action: Don’t Care, Load, and Clear. Don’t care allows the pixel to take on any value at the start of the rendering pass. Load maintains the previous texture. Clear specifies that a value is written to every pixel. We want to use clear here because we want to over write the color that exists currently.

Lastly, we’re setting a clear color. I have arbitrarily set it to a nice magenta color. When you finally pull the switch on this application, you’ll know this succeeds when your screen turns a lovely shade of pink.

Create the Command Buffer

Everything that we do deals with buffers. You need to send commands to a buffer in order to get them to be executed and to see something happen on your screen.

In order to send your commands to a buffer, you need to create one. Let’s do that now.

Add the following code to the bottom of your render() method:

// Create Command Buffer
let commandBuffer = commandQueue.commandBuffer()

The MTLCommandBuffer, like the MTLDevice, is a protocol. It can’t be subclassed and there is only one way to instantiate a buffer object. That is calling the commandBuffer() method on and instance of MTLCommandQueue.

Earlier in this code we made MTLCommandQueue object that was available to the entire View Controller. This is why. We needed to be able to access the same command queue instance we created when the view loaded.

Render Pipeline State

We’re going to briefly jump back to our viewDidLoad() method to add one last piece that we need to set up our rendering pipeline. We need to monitor the pipeline state.

Create a new property at the top of the class along with the others:

var metalPipeline: MTLRenderPipelineState! = nil

Our pipeline state exists to interface with our shaders. Don’t worry, we will get to those.

In order to access our shaders, we are going to need some code:

// Set the Rendering Pipeline
let defaultLibrary = device.newDefaultLibrary()
let fragmentProgram = defaultLibrary?.newFunctionWithName("basic_fragment")
let vertexProgram = defaultLibrary?.newFunctionWithName("basic_vertex")

let pipelineStateDescriptor = MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor()
pipelineStateDescriptor.vertexFunction = vertexProgram
pipelineStateDescriptor.fragmentFunction = fragmentProgram
pipelineStateDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].pixelFormat = .BGRA8Unorm
do {
    try metalPipeline = device.newRenderPipelineStateWithDescriptor(pipelineStateDescriptor)
} catch let error {
    print("Failed to create pipeline state, error (error)")

The first thing you will notice is that we are creating a default library.

In Metal, shaders are instances of MTLFunction objects. A Library is a collection of MTLFunction objects.

The purpose of your MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor is to look at your collection of shaders and tell the renderer which fragment and vertex shader your project is going to use.

We’re creating a new default library. After that, we are creating instances of MTLFunction objects by reaching into the default library and looking for them by name.

After we have our MTLFunction objects, we need to tell the pipeline state descriptor which vertex and fragment shaders we want to use.

Since creating a Metal Pipeline is a failable operation, we need to wrap it in a do-try-catch block.

At this point you might be wondering where those vertex and fragment shader functions came from. Good question, you’re about to generate them.

Metal Shaders

Note: I am creating both a vertex and a fragment shader even though this template has no vertex buffer. I am not sure if you need a vertex shader if there is nothing for it to shade, but it builds and this is something you would be adding later when you did have a vertex buffer. It might not be strictly necessary, but I am leaving it here anyway.

In GLSL, you need both a vertex and a fragment shader since they were two halves of the same program. If the Metal Shading Language follows the same paradigms as GLSL, then this is also the case and both a vertex and a fragment shader are necessary for every program you build.

This section is going to be disappointing. I haven’t had a chance to figure this out very well yet, so I apologize for the lack of detail about how I came up with these parts. This will be rectified later.

This is the one part of your code that is not going into the ViewController class. You get to create a new file now!

Create a new file and choose the “Metal File” template. Name it “Shaders.metal”.

The Metal Shading Language is based on C++. I am not as familiar with it as I would like, so sadly this section is going to be less in depth than I would like. I promise there will be many blog posts about this in the next few months.

You are going to create two different shaders: vertex and fragment. At this point you might be wondering how these get into your default library. The way the default library works is that it automatically includes any function that is included in a .Metal file. You could create hundreds of vertex and fragment shaders in various files and all of them would be accessible from the default library. I believe that you can create multiple libraries, but that is just one of the thinks I am going to explore more fully in the future.

This is the code for the vertex shader:

vertex float4 basic_vertex(const device packed_float3* vertex_array [[ buffer(0) ]], unsigned int vid [[ vertex_id ]]) {
    return float4(vertex_array[vid], 1.0);

This is the code for the fragment shader:

fragment half4 basic_fragment(){
    return half4(1.0);

This code comes directly from the Ray Wenderlich tutorial. I don’t know how it was generated. I don’t want to speculate about how this works because I don’t want to have something out there that I am completely wrong about, so just know this works and I will explain why in a later blog post.

Render Command Encoder

Now that we have a buffer, we need to add some commands to it.

We’ve been creating a bunch of different things that haven’t been applied anywhere yet. We’re ready to put those things to work.

Add this code to the bottom of the render() method:

// Create Render Command Encoder
let renderEncoder = commandBuffer.renderCommandEncoderWithDescriptor(renderPassDescriptor)

The command encoder needs to know about the render pass and the pipeline state. We already created both of these things and went into some depth about what they do. We’re simply adding these specifications to the render encoder. After we add those to the encoder, we need to let the render encoder know we’re done by ending our encoding.

Commit the Command Buffer

Almost done! Just two more lines of code:

// Commit the Command Buffer

We are taking that top drawable texture from the CAMetalLayer and queuing it up in the command buffer to be processed by the render pipeline. Finally, we are committing the command buffer.

Bring it all Together

I have placed this code in a GitHub repository.

There are a lot of aspects of this project that I am looking forward to exploring in more depth over the next few months.

The purpose of this blog post was to try and flesh out some of the code a little bit. Most of the blog posts I have seen involving this kind of template don’t really get into the nuts and bolts about what each of these things does and why you need them in your project.

It would not be useful to delve into the nitty gritty of everything in the framework. This post was long enough as it is!

I hope that this was a little more helpful if you’re like me and you wonder what things do and why you need them instead of just being satisfied with having something that works.

This post took over a month for me to write. It’s possible there are aspects of this post that are disjointed or that I forgot to include. I would appreciate being made aware of any issues by being contacted on Twitter. I would also appreciate knowing if there are any specific topics in Metal that people are interested in hearing about.

Thanks for bearing with me through this incredibly long post!

The Space Weaver is busy rendering fragments and vertices.

The Space Weaver is busy rendering fragments and vertices.

Getting Metal Up and Running: MTLDevice

I was really hoping last week to get a post out about creating a default Metal template, but I have been sick for a few weeks. Last weekend I sat in my chair staring at the TV because that was all I could deal with.

I am also recovering from a migraine that I have had for the past four days.

I was hoping to be able to go through my Metal template and remove all of the bells and whistles that were added by the Apple engineers to make the template do something and not just be a blank slate. I don’t feel comfortable enough to go through this and delete things yet, so I would like to talk about various Metal objects and components necessary to create a baseline Metal project and what purpose each of these serve.

I am posting this project on GitHub. I will be modifying it in the next few weeks to make this into a functional template anyone can grab if they want to start a Metal project but don’t want to deal with deleting boilerplate code. It’s not at that point yet, but hopefully before the end of the year!

The first, and most important, property I want to talk about is the MTLDevice. The documentation for MTLDevice is here.

Why Does Our Code Need an MTLDevice?

The MTLDevice is the software representation of the GPU. It is the way that you are able to interface with the hardware.

You might be wondering why this is something you would need. The iPhone is a cohesive unit that just kind of works when you program it. Why do you need to initialize a variable to represent part of your phone?

Whenever you create software that is going to interact with external hardware, you need to have a way to interface with it in your code.

When I was working at SonoPlot, we were writing control software for robots. We had classes for the robotics system and for the camera we were using.

The camera class had to have functions for every action we needed it to have. It also had a property for each thing that we needed to either get or set. One example is resolution. Some of our cameras had variable resolution and others were fixed. We had to have a property to either retrieve what that resolution was or that would set the resolution on the ones that can be set.

Even though we don’t necessarily think of the iPhone in terms of “external” hardware, it is. There are different parts of the iPhone that you can interface through the Cocoa frameworks. Speaking of cameras, the iPhone has a camera.

The AVCaptureDevice in AVFoundation is the interfacing class that Apple provides to allow you to talk to the camera. It fulfills the same function that our Camera and Robotics classes had in the robotics software.

Just as we needed to create a camera and robotics class to talk to our hardware, you also need to create an object that talks directly to your GPU.

One of the promises of the Metal framework is that you, as the developer, would have far more control over allocating and deploying resources in your code. This is reflected in the methods associated with the MTLDevice protocol.

Protocol, Not Object

The first thing to point out is that MTLDevice is not a class, it’s a protocol. At this point I am not entirely certain why it was designed this way.

The code to create the device is as follows:

let device: MTLDevice = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice()!

If you hold option and hover over the device variable, it indicates that it is a MTLDevice object. In order to be an object, it must be an instance of a class. My best guess is that this is an instance of NSObject that conforms to the MTLDevice protocol.

I am fascinated as to why this was implemented in this manner. I plan to look into this further, but this is one of those things that having an understanding of why it was done this way doesn’t necessarily help me get things done, so I am going to try and leave it alone for now.


The functionality that the MTLDevice needs to be able to do for you are the following:

Identifying Properties

There are many more Apple devices and chip types that support Metal programming now than there were when it was initially announced. Back when it came out in iOS 8, we just had the iPhone 5S and one of the iPad models with an A7 chip.

Now, we have a lot of devices with a lot of different chip sets that all support Metal programming, including the Mac.

We’re in a similar situation with these chips that I was in with supporting the legacy robotics software at SonoPlot. We had three different types of cameras that all had different properties. You can’t assume that all the GPUs in each device are the same.

So, just as we did with the robotics software, there are several properties that are retrievable from the GPU.

The properties you can access on each GPU are:

  • Maximum number of threads per thread group
  • Device Name
  • Whether this GPU supports a specific feature set
  • Whether this GPU supports a specific texture sample count

Looking over this list of properties, it looks like as the chips have progressed, they have more and better capabilities. The A7 chip in my iPhone 5S is not as powerful as the A9X chip in my iPad Pro.

If you want to target less powerful devices, it might be useful to get familiar with the idiosyncrasies of the chips in these devices.

Creating Metal Shader Libraries

As a protege of Brad Larson, I am very interested in exploring shaders in Metal.

One of the big, stupid questions I have with Metal is how the shaders are set up. Every project I have seen (including the template) has had one shader file named “Shaders.metal.” Does that mean that all shaders go into one file? Are these just projects that use one shader? Is this basically set up the same way that OpenGL ES 2.0 is set up?

This says that all of the “.metal” files are compiled into a single default library, so that tells me that I can have more than one shader file in a project.

I am looking forward to exploring the shader libraries in the future, but right now just making a note that this is a responsibility of the MTLDevice.

Creating Command Queues

This is interesting to see that Metal has built in command queues.

I know that Brad utilizes Grand Central Dispatch in GPUImage to make it work as efficiently as possible. OpenGL ES doesn’t have a built-in command queue structure to the best of my knowledge. I know that OpenGL ES can only exist on one thread at any given time and that one of the promises of Metal was multithreading. If you’re going to multithread something you need some way of keeping your threads straight.

Looking forward to exploring the Metal Command Queues further.

Creating Resources

The resources you are creating with the Metal device are buffers, textures, and sampler states.

Buffers should be familiar to anyone who works with graphics or audio. To the best of my memory, in OpenGL ES you have three buffers: One for the frame that is currently being displayed, one for the next frame to be displayed, and one in the wings waiting to be deployed when the top buffer gets popped off the stack.

Textures are also a familiar concept. In GPUImage the photo or video you are filtering is your texture, so this is fairly straightforward.

I have never heard of a sampler state, so I am interested to find out what this does.

Not a lot new or exciting here if you have any familiarity with OpenGL ES.

Creating Command Objects to Render Graphics

This is where you set up your pipeline to render your graphics. In OpenGL ES 1.0 this was a fixed function pipeline without shaders. In OpenGL ES 2.0, the programmable pipeline was introduced along with the ability to use shaders. Shaders gave the ability to really generate shadows and ambient occlusion in graphics on an iOS device. Since we’re not taking a step backwards, there are commands here to set up your programmable pipeline.

Creating Command Objects to Perform Computational Tasks

One of the things that really excited me about Metal was the ability to do general purpose GPU programming (GPGPU) in iOS. I had hoped in iOS 8 to hear that OpenCL would be made available on iOS, so I was rather pleased to hear that this functionality was made available.

Jeff Biggus has been speaking about OpenCL for a few years and using the GPU for something other than just graphics processing. It is one of those things on my giant list of things I am interested in but haven’t had a chance to explore yet. This excites me and I am looking forward to writing a Metal project that utilizes this extra functionality.


I am really excited about all of the functionality I see exposed to me in this protocol.

I know I basically just went through the documentation and didn’t necessarily tell you anything you couldn’t look up on your own, but I do think it helps to have some context about WHY this stuff is in here, not just that it exists.

I will be getting into the command queues and buffers in more depth in my next post because those are absolutely necessary for a minimum viable application. It’s helpful to know that these things are created and controlled by this master object.

I hope that this was interesting and useful. I know in most of the documentation I am reading it just mentions you need to create a MTLDevice without exploring what it’s role is in the application. It’s a really vital part of the application and I hope that you have a better understanding and appreciation of what it does within a Metal program.

Getting Metal Up and Running: Part One

My current side project is working on trying to write at least one graphics post each week. I noticed that people tend to be asked to speak about things they write about. I also noticed that the vast majority of my posts for the last few months have been about depression and cooking and cleaning my house. I would prefer not to be a lifestyle blogger, so I am going to make a better effort to write more about what I am interested in, namely graphics.

Over the next few months I would like to write about frameworks (like Metal and Scene Kit), 3D mathematics, and shader applications. I am going to try to write something about what I am doing. I might not be able to get a whole sample project up and running and it might take a few weeks to get something done. But I plan to try to write about what I have learned and to chart my progress through my various explorations.

Getting Started with Metal

For a while there was a really good OpenGL ES template available in Xcode. Or so I have been told. Now if you try to make an OpenGL template, first off it’s difficult to even find. Secondly, the template is full of a lot of garbage. It’s similar to the Sprite Kit template including the rocket ship and other various assets. You can’t just open a template that renders a solid color on the screen.

My goal initially is to get a good Metal Template without the garbage that I can post on GitHub and make available to people who just want to get up and running.

Metal By Example

I recently bought Warren Moore’s Metal by Example book. Warren was kind enough to complete this book before abandoning us to go and work for Apple on the Metal frameworks. I didn’t realize he was going back until he did, but he’s been kind enough to answer questions about the book and Metal.

My plan was to go through the first chapter of the book and set up a Metal project, but I ran into some issues.

The books is written in Objective-C. I do not want to be one of those people who can’t or won’t read a book in Objective-C, but it does make things a little difficult when you are not used to it. I have difficulty switching my brain from one language to another, so this was one difficulty for me personally.

I also could not get the code to build. The compiler could not find the CAMetalLayer. I realized I was supposed to import Metal. I forgot how to do this. Either this is already done for you in Swift or I have spent so much time on my robotics project with Brad Larson where we wrote most of our own code that I simply didn’t remember how to link anything and the directions were not included. I found the directions on Warren’s companion web site. So if you are going through the book, I highly recommend looking at the site because it has content that is not in the book.

(I don’t want this to come off as a complaint against Warren. I greatly appreciate his efforts with the book and as an author myself, I can totally see me just wanting to get the damn thing done and have it be gone. I am not saying this is what he did, but if this was my book I totally would have done that. I still highly recommend his book and hope I don’t hurt his feelings.)

Even with this additional help, I could not get my code to build. It had trouble finding the QuartzCore/CAMetalLayer.h file. I imported Quartz and Core Animation, but no dice.

At this point I was frustrated and thought about giving up, but I decided to try and load Apple’s base Metal template.

Apple’s Built-In Templates

The Metal template is hidden in the Game templates options. If you navigate through the game templates, there are four types of templates here: Sprite Kit, Scene Kit, OpenGL ES, and Metal. Just because these are in the Game templates doesn’t mean you can only make games with these!




So I navigated through and got Metal base project in Swift. Yay! The project had a compiler warning! WTF?!

I was on my second glass of wine and was massively annoyed. Nothing I was doing would even build.

I looked up the compiler warning and realized that Metal still does not build in the iOS simulator. When Metal first came out it did not work in the simulator in Xcode 6. I had forgotten that and assumed it would be fix, but apparently not. If you are working with Metal, bear that in mind if you have sample code that you see that comes preloaded with a compiler warning.

I needed to build on my phone, so I plugged it into the computer. It built, but then it would not run. I got a warning on both the phone and Xcode about there being a permissions/privacy issue. My phone was not set up to run my code because it was an unknown developer.

So that began the great search through the Setting on the phone to grant my developer account permission to load code on my phone.

Here are a series of screen shots of where I found the ability to do this in the Settings. I blocked out the number after my email address because I am not sure if it is something I shouldn’t make public or not. I am sure someone will frantically Tweet me about some proprietary information being in these screenshots that I should not share. BTW: I never check the email address on here, I just use it for my developer account, so please do not spam me there, I am plenty available on Twitter.




I don’t remember running code on a device being this difficult. It’s possible I have never tried running my own app on my phone with my own developer account. I had an educational account in school and then most of my other apps were for other companies. I think it might have something to do with TestFlight, maybe?? I would be interested to hear if things got more difficult in Xcode 7.

Finally, after all of this, I got the code to build and run on the phone! Success!!


The base template is the usual triangle with a different color at each vertex floating around in space.

At this point I could just deleted that stuff and have my base template that was my goal for this week, but I don’t want to do that yet. I would like to look over this code as is to try and figure out how the vertices are read into the program and how the rotation is applied.

I want to figure out how to import a 3D model from a program like Maya or Blender. One of the big things that freaked me out about 3D graphics programming was the idea that I would have to construct my shapes by hand in the code rather than importing XML file representation of 3D objects.

Probably my goal for next week will be to go over the functionality of how this base generated template works before removing the floating triangle and uploading this to GitHub. I would like to use this template as my starting point for all of my future projects. I would also like to figure out what I forgot to import and connect in Warren’s project for the CAMetalLayer object because it is bothering me.

Didn’t get as much done this weekend as I wanted to. I talked in an earlier post about having a rough week and just getting this written was a bit of a struggle. Hoping future weeks will be more productive. But just doing something is better than not doing anything, I guess.

Minimum Viable iOS Engineer

Parable of the Shrew

My father works at the Botany Department at UW-Madison. When he was a graduate student he worked as a naturalist at a state park in South Carolina. When I was growing up he told me a lot of stories about this park. One story that he told me in particular has stuck with me most of my life. I have been meaning to write a blog post about it, and I feel like now is the time.

One day while he was working at the state park, he found a shrew. A shrew is a small rodent that eats crickets. My dad captured it and took it back to the office with him. He knew it ate crickets, but wasn’t sure how many or how long it had been since the shrew had eaten. He wanted to be safe, so he put the shrew in an empty aquarium with a hundred crickets, figuring that would be enough.

He came back the next morning to find the shrew dead on its back with all four little furry feet in the air. It was surrounded by dead crickets. The shrew was so fixated on killing every cricket in the aquarium that it forgot to eat any of them and it starved to death surrounded by food.

Resist the Temptation to Be the Shrew!

Yesterday Apple had their announcement of the new tvOS, along with a lot of other new toys that made my head spin.

I noticed a lot of people dropping the watchOS stuff to pick up the new tvOS stuff because it was the new thing and they didn’t want to get behind.

I want to say something that is going to make you feel bad. Take a deep breath. Relax. Here goes.

We have reached a point with the platform where we can’t know everything.

When I started programming I figured I would learn a few languages to cover my bases and give me options for when I went looking for a job. I realized that this was a bad tactic so I picked the one I most wanted to work with. I have further specialized to more and more specific areas of Apple development.

Every time that something new and shiny is announced, I feel compelled to learn something about it. I have Ray Wenderlich’s WatchKit by Tutorial on one of my computers and I don’t know if I have ever opened it. I also have their Animations, Core Data, and several years of iOS By Tutorial in a folder on my computer unread. I feel an incredible amount of panic because no sooner do I hear an announcement about something, my Twitter feed explodes with people who have dug into the docs and are sharing what they read. I have barely processed that something new has come out and already people are doing something with it. It gives me tremendous anxiety and makes my head spin.

I have been working myself into a tizzy just trying to keep up with what I am doing at my job. I have not used the iOS frameworks in about a year. I have a book out on iOS development but I don’t use it every day and it’s basically gone from my memory. I know if I had to use it every day I would pick it back up again fairly quickly, but it still disturbs me that I just don’t remember this any more.

I keep feeling like I need to know Core Data and Networking to stay marketable. I have a list of things that I think I need to know because if I don’t know them then I am not a real developer and people will shun me when they find out. This fear leads me to work all the time. I regularly suffer from exhaustion. The last two weekends I spent two days in bed internally screaming at my body for giving up on me because I have deadlines I need to meet and I don’t want to let people down.

I can not continue this way. If you are going through this, you can’t do it either.

This year at 360iDev there were a lot of talks about the death of independent development. We’ve moved beyond the point where you can make an app in your free time on nights and weekends that is going to be a minimum viable product. Believe it or not, this is a good thing.

Back in 2009 when the platform was relatively new, you could know everything. It was possible. The reason it was possible was because the platform was incredibly limited. There were a lot of things you couldn’t do, or couldn’t do easily. Now we are living in an embarrassment of riches where almost everything is possible, which means YOU CAN’T KNOW EVERYTHING!! Stop trying!

What is the Bare Minimum You Need to Know

I celebrated my first work anniversary on Tuesday. Before that I worked at a start up for two months, worked on an OpenGL contract application for three months, coauthored a book, and did over a dozen conference talks. I have a shocking amount and diversity of experience for a developer who has less than two years of experience.

I don’t know Core Data. I don’t remember most of iOS. I haven’t worked with Interface Builder in a year even though I intended to specialize in graphics and design for iOS.

I think that the amount of things you need to know to be a beginning iOS developer is smaller than most people think.

I talk to students at the tech school I attended and all of them think they need to know a lot of stuff. I would argue that you don’t need to know a lot of stuff, but the stuff you do need to know you need to know well.

Here is my list of what I think you absolutely need to know to have an entry-level iOS job:

  • Some fundamental understanding of either Objective-C or Swift. Both of these languages have a lot of unique aspects and I would argue it is important to have enough of a grasp of one of these to understand why you don’t program them like Java or some other language.
  • The MVC design pattern. This is a fundamental pattern that permeates all of iOS. If you do not understand this pattern, you will not write good iOS code. It is vital to understand this.
  • Know how to use the Apple documentation to look up how the frameworks work. You can’t know everything, but you at least need to know how to learn what you need to know.

I think knowing Core Data or Networking or any of the other multitudes of things are nice career embellishments, but I think if you are looking to bring on an entry level person and train them, this is what they need to know.

I don’t know how to do Networking. I have never had to know it for any job I have had. Same with Core Data. I know a lot about things most people never need to use like how to connect to a FireWire camera and how to parse LibXML2. These are things I learned because I needed them for the job I have. If I were looking for another job I am sure knowing Core Data would make me more marketable, but I wanted to find the right job for me rather than being qualified for a lot of jobs that aren’t really a good fit.

I don’t think not knowing how to do NSURLSession or how to make an Apple Watch app makes me an impostor or a bad developer. They haven’t affected my ability to get a job yet and I don’t think they ever will. If I need to learn them for something I am doing, I know enough that I can teach them to myself and if I forget them again, then I wasn’t using them.

I worry about people spending so much time learning “superficial” stuff that lets them build an app but does not teach them how the app works so it can’t be applied to anything else. I think instead of creating an aura of fear at not knowing everything, we focus on what is the essential amount you must know and enable people to learn the things they need to know to specialize or that interest them.


At 360iDev last year Saul Mora and I were discussing the possibility of setting up something like a co-op for developers. If you had an app idea where you needed to know something you didn’t know, you could post it on this message board and if someone knew how to do it, you could negotiate working with them on it. I don’t particularly want to learn a bunch of stuff I don’t care about to make something and I would love to work on someone else’s project only doing the things that I want to do.

Like all good ideas that are formed by committee, this got bogged down in a lot of implementation details and forgotten. I still think this is the only way for independent development to move forward.

If you have a group of four people with different technical skills working together, you can put out a really nice app in your spare time. The gold rush is over, but I would hope that some people are involved in app development because they enjoy it and have ideas they want to share with the world.

I feel that Ray Wenderlich has embraced this idea. He has a large team of people working together on the tutorials because it simply got to the point where he couldn’t do it alone. We have a large pool of knowledge and resources and we are able to accomplish more than any one person could. I think he’s a great example of what you can do if you start trying to think cooperatively rather than singularly.

I think we need to move away from the idea of the solitary developer working in their basement over a weekend and move towards the idea of having a team of friends you can work with and share ownership of a product with. Even if the app never earns a dime, the act of working with your friends to make something you are proud of is a goal in and of itself.

So, to everyone feeling shitty because you can’t keep up with the new and shiny, stop it. Go easy on yourself. We’re at a turning point where things are going to be different and you can’t hold yourself to those standards anymore. Focus on the fundamentals and what is important to you and you will be fine. The platform has matured and it’s a good thing.