Word Press Eccentricity

In one of my previous posts I was trying to use an example of a PHP script declaration. I was perusing my posts and I noticed that what I typed did not show up! The site saw the declaration and processed it as PHP.

That was unexpected.

Unfortunately, I am not using PHP as much as I would like, so I am at a loss as to how to solve this conundrum.

I tried using pre tags. This created a solid block in the middle of the page with no text. So that doesn’t work.

I tried to use an echo statement with single quotes, which is supposed to not interpret any code between the quotation marks. This did not work (it came back with the closing tag, but not the opening tag.

I tried using escape characters, but the code did not print, only the black slashes did.

I removed it for the time being, but I will discover a work around this issue! Mark my words!

Will follow up when I determine the issue.